Curriculum Vitae |
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John Everette RussellContact Information: Family: Carolyn and I are blessed with two wonderful children, their spouses and four grandchildren. Carolyn passed away 17 October 2017 and is rejoicing with Jesus. Formal Education:
Credentials: The Southern Missouri District of the Assemblies of God ordained me in 1964. I pastored in the Southern Missouri District, the North Texas District and the Arizona District of the Assemblies of God for a total of eleven years. I was a military pastor for eighteen years, some years concurrent with civilian pastor. I served as an Assembly of God minister for over 40 years. I resigned as an Assemblies of God minister 28 September 2003, leaving with good relations with the Assemblies of God. The International Convention of Faith Ministries accepted me as a member 24 May 2004 and ordained me 26 October 2004. Military Career: U S Naval Reserve duty, three years, two months and twenty-three days active duty in the US Navy, three years active duty as a US Army Chaplain (Vietnam, 1969) and fifteen years in the Texas Army National Guard and the Army Reserve. Military Awards: The Bronze Star Medal (with first oak leaf cluster), Army Commendation Medal (two awards), Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (two awards), National Defense Service Medal (two awards), U S Navy Good Conduct Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Texas Faithful Service Medal, Texas Medal of Merit, and Meritorious Service Medal. Military Education: Army Basic Chaplain Course and Advanced Chaplain Course. Army Command and General Staff College. Naval Aviation preparatory School. Naval Aviation Electronics School (A); and several electronic devices schools. Retirement Status: I retired from the Army Reserve as a (Colonel) Chaplain in 1988. The Army changed my status to AUS (Army of the United States) and began retirement pay in 1996. College Teaching: 1.International Bible College, San Antonio TX 2. Central Bible College, Springfield MO 3. Tarleton State University, Stephenville TX Areas: English Bible, Marriage and the Home, Theology, Christian Education, and Philosophy of Education. School Administration: I served as a principal in four Christian schools, grades kindergarten through twelve. This included helping found one school, reorganizing one school and crisis management in another. Media: I have some mass media experience, including radio, television, Internet and Newspapers Published books: Print: How to Get Your Prayers Answered: The Biblical Way to Pray Electronic:
Organizations: 1. Life membership: The National Guard Association of Texas (#7824); The Reserve Officers Association of the United States (#0436734), Southwestern [Baptist Theological] Seminary Alumni Association, National Rifle Association of America (#227387103) and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (#10203567). 2. Past membership: ACLJ (#243410); The Association of Mature American Citizens (#65391-1); the Faith & Freedom Coalition (#206558424); Hillsdale College (#1405913) and USCCA #559410). Christian Seniors Association; Disabled Vererans National Foundation; National Right to Life; Republican National Committee; National Association of Evangelicals; National Guard Association of the United States; Christian Association for Psychological Studies, American Scientific Affiliation (Associate); author member of the Association of Shareware Professionals and Military Chaplains Association. AddendumSubjects Taught on College Level:English Bible: Old Testament Survey; New Testament Introduction; Romans; Ephesians; Parables Theology: Systematic Theology Christian Education: History of Education; Methods of Instruction in Bible; Leadership Development; Administering the Preschool; Practicum; Introduction to Church Education; Philosophy of Christian Education; Philosophy of Christian School Education; Marriage and the Family General Education: Philosophy of Education Revised 08 August 2019 |